b'2023 Consolidated Revenues$19,537,546 Total$231,02871% of revenues are derived from the$722,234US Department of Housing and Urban1 % 5 % $753,244Development, not local taxes.5 %$10,908,925$2,800,233Housing Assistance & 18 %Administrative IncomeTenant Paid RentOther Income - Laundry,71 %Management Fee, Misc. Tenant Charges, Insurance Reimbursement, Etc.Grant IncomeInvestment & Interest IncomeMy experience with GJHA has been so awesome. I would callto see if they had [space], and oneday they called me back! I was so excited.Holly Webster, GJHA Lead Service-Care Coordinator, and Tammy Adamson - GJHA Resident2023 ANNUAL REPORT 11'