b'Leadership LetterInterdependence is intrinsic to the human condition. At some point in each of our lives, we find ourselves vulnerable and in need ofhelp. And, at some point in each of our lives, we have an opportunity to help others. Grand Junction Housing Authority helps young families to stabilize their home lives, build skills, and develop self-sufficiency.We help workers in entry-level jobs to find a place of their own that they can afford.We help people with disabilities and seniors on fixed incomes to access affordable homes appropriate to their needs.As a result of GJHAs efforts, each year, Jody Kole hundreds of people stabilize their home lives, regain their footing, build Chief Executive Officer strength, and reengage with their families and their community.It is this honorable service that our 60 dedicated employees engage in every day.We are proud to work alongside them for the people of the Grand Valley.By these actions, our community demonstrates that it values human dignity, prioritizes serving the vulnerable, and is dedicated to fostering safety and stability for all of its residents.To all of the many individuals and organizations who have contributed to our efforts we Thank You.To any who want to join us in this work, we say Come Join Us,there is much more to do. Rich KrohnBoard Chair2023 ANNUAL REPORT 01'